Recruiting Information

Recruiting Information

Sales department

Mr. S.Y., who joined the

company in 2022

UESHIMA front desk

In the sales department, you are responsible for front desk work on Kamijima and play an important role in forming the first impression of the company. We aim to respond to visitors and facilitate internal and external communication, and build relationships of trust at the forefront of business. Furthermore, we support internal and external stakeholders so that they can proceed smoothly with their work through the provision of information and support for various procedures.

We value detailed care and accurate responses, and contribute to improving corporate value by providing high-quality services.

Rewarding at UESHIMA

The real thrill of development projects is to think about systems and structures in collaboration with customers in fields that have not yet been established in the world. It is a work environment where you can acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills and move your hands freely. It is suitable for people who like planning and experiments.

Why I chose UESHIMA

I was doing business at a chemical products trading company, but I changed jobs because I thought the style of “creating and proposing functions from here” rather than “satisfying the function as told by the customer” would be more suitable.

Workplace atmosphere

There are also many veterans, and if you listen, they will kindly tell you. Even if my previous job wasn't related to testing machines, they are seen as young people even in their thirties, so I can listen around without hesitation. As you work, you will acquire knowledge.

Future goals

We will do our best for the current development project. Since each testing machine is in the demonstration room, I would like to be able to confirm the correlation between material formulation and physical properties and propose formulations. Eventually, I would like to be able to propose test machine development for rubber “products.”

About sales positions

I think customers are most concerned about “whether or not they can be relied upon as a manufacturer.” As a sales person, personality and relationship building are also important, but I think knowledge of technology and inspection is also important. If you are curious about accumulating technical knowledge, meetings with customers will naturally go smoothly. The fact that meetings are not a pain is something that makes sales people feel good.

Typical daily schedule

8:15 Organize tasks such as work attendance emails

9:00 Interpersonal work such as contacting responses within the company and customers

11:30 Meals on the go and then 2 customer visits

16:00 Work that can be done alone, such as preparing materials for returning to work, demonstration tests, experiments, etc.

Leave the office at 18:00


We're here to help. For more information about our products and services, please fill out the form on the right.

042-572-1397 (Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)


For orders for repairs, calibrations, and services, please contact us using the contact details listed below.
042-577-1363 (Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
6-5-22 Yaho, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo, 186-0011
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