Philosophy/Environmental Policy

Philosophy/Environmental Policy
At Ueshima Seisakusho, each and every employee will carry out activities that contribute to the preservation of the global environment through environmentally friendly manufacturing.
1. We are always aware of the impact of Ueshima Seisakusho's business activities, products, and services on the environment, and endeavor to promote resource and energy conservation, waste reduction and proper disposal, and recycling.
2. We will endeavor to prevent pollution by continuously improving our environmental management system and utilizing it.
3. We will comply with environmental laws and other requirements approved by Ueshima Seisakusho.
4. We will set goals and targets in line with our environmental policy and make efforts to measure continuous improvement by regularly reviewing them.
5. We will thoroughly disseminate this environmental policy to all people working at Ueshima Seisakusho and disclose it to the public in response to requests.
CEO Junichi Eba
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